If you are using Directo business software or are planning to use it, then we have good news for you - Cargoson now has a transport management integration with Directo business software.

What does the combination of Cargoson + Directo allow?

  1. 900+ carriers integrated in your software (parcel machines, couriers, road, sea and air freight).
  2. Transport request / transport order data from your Directo sales or purchase order automatically to Cargoson.
  3. Possibility to submit transport orders directly from Directo (via Cargoson).
  4. Personal automated notifications to your customers and / or suppliers (via Cargoson).
  5. Carrier package labels directly to Directo.
  6. Freight tracking link directly to Directo.
  7. Company-wide freight statistics in Cargoson.

How to turn on Cargoson in your Directo business software?

It's simple. You need a Cargoson account and API token to connect in Directo software.
The manual for configuring Cargoson in DIrecto can be found on the Directo wiki (link here).
