Gowri Style House is a unique men's brand selling made-to-measure suits, shirts, and shoes for any occasion. Gowri Style House production manager Kristi Mikk describes why it is easy to manage company logistics in Cargoson.

Why did you decide to use Cargoson?
Our company uses several different carriers and we also have many different destinations, both within te European Union and outside. Cargoson provides a very good opportunity to find the best and most affordable solution. It is very convenient that all the information is together on one page, which is easy for a person dealing with logistics to manage. Contacts, tracking, analysis - everything is just a click away.

How often do you use Cargoson and what features are most important to you?
Cargoson is our daily work tool.
Among the functions, I would highlight - ordering transport, comparing prices, tracking shipments, communication with carriers, price inquiries and, of course, the database of saved customers and destinations.

Has it saved you time and money?
I don't know the exact numbers, but if you can already see which transport solutions is cheaper at the moment, then there is definitely a financial win. For example, we used to always prefer one carrier for a certain transport, now for packages of a certain weight, another transport partner is much more cost effective. The time gain is definitely big, after all, everything happens "on one page". No need to log in to several different environments and no need to maintain different fulfilment systems. Cargoson is as simple as "Facebook". That's it :) 

Why should you consider using Cargoson?
Cargoson brings all my carriers (and new alternatives too) together in one place where I can choose and compare. I don't have to go to many different pages and remember user logic of different systems.
I can actually see different criteria for my transports and can choose the most suitable one. I can also contact the carrier, send messages and track shipments through the platform - convenient when everything is on one page.
I can also print the transport labels directly, and it is particularly convenient that the system sends the labels to the sender of the goods if necessary (if I order transport from another party)
The process is very simple and help is available :)
In conclusion, I will say that Cargoson has been a great discovery for me, which makes my work more effective and easier. Thank you very much for being there.

Answer to your question: Yes, Cargoson is also suitable for your company